Data Protection Information Policy of DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

1.- How do we obtain your personal data?

We collect personal data with your consent in the following situations:


2.- What information can we collect from the interested party/customer?

Contact details:

Name, Surname, First name, Postal address, Sex, Email, Landline / mobile phone.

Personal details:

Family situation, family members. Date of birth. Place of birth. Type of driving licence. Occupation. Bank details. Requests made, about information on products and services, test drive. Preferred dealer, most used or hobbies.

Payment method indicated.

Account number. Preferred communication channel. Chassis number.

Identification data:

Customer number or contract number.

Customer history:

Customer satisfaction ratings. Offers received or sent. Vehicle owner data, vehicle purchase, including model, price, order date, purchase date, registration date, registration number. Warranty information. Residual value. Information on purchases of parts, accessories and additional equipment. Data collected during visits to the dealer (e.g. requests, information consulted, salesperson in charge, service history). Campaign history, responses to campaigns. Participation in events (place, company). History of claims and complaints. History of revisions.

Vehicle usage data:

About the mileage and spare parts changes in workshop according to the same.

Data from the app, website or social networks:

All those data in which the customer/interested party has registered in any app, web, landing page or social networks of DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. and different companies belonging to the business group.


Data collected through Cookies (depending on the approval of the corresponding Cookies Policies). Use of the RRSS of the Business Group (for example, visits, messages, photos or videos published), as well as of the different companies belonging to the Business Group.


3.- For what purposes are your personal data used? - General.

You may revoke any of the declarations of consent you have chosen at any time. We remind you that, in all commercial communications sent by DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., or companies belonging to the Business Group, we always give you the option of unsubscribing. You may also, through the different media where you receive commercial communications, exercise your rights to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data, oppose or request their deletion when the data are no longer necessary. The data provided will be retained for as long as the business relationship is maintained. After your revocation, we will terminate the processing of your customer profile and you will not receive any further commercial communications. You may exercise the aforementioned rights through the same communication channels through which you receive commercial communications.

Quality and Satisfaction Surveys.

To send quality and satisfaction surveys, in order to personalise our treatment, as well as to introduce improvements in the relationship between the entity and the client.

You give us your consent, so that all the personal data we have (contact details, ID, date of birth, email, type of driving license, number plate, hobbies and interests) become part of an entity within the group of companies, called DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, SL, with CIF B76078104, in order to centralize all the different quality and satisfaction surveys, through any multichannel media (telephone, email, mail, SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, etc ...). All communications will be related to the automotive world. Data retention criteria: data will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the purpose of the processing and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure pseudonymisation of the data or total destruction of the data.Data communication: data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. In this case, please note that DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., belongs to a Business Group and there is a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data within the same for internal administrative purposes, including the processing of personal data of customers. Therefore, any dealer who has been identified as a preferred dealer or has been involved in the purchase process may have your details and communicate with you. You will be able to access information about the group on its various websites. And, if you do not want any of the companies within the Business Group to have access to your data, you can let us know.

All consents are addressed to this entity, DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. If you do not accept it, we will not be able to continue sending you communications to evaluate your level of satisfaction with the services provided. We remind you that, in all commercial communications sent by DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., we always give you the option of unsubscribing. We remind you that your consent is revocable.

Statistical Analysis and Profile Evaluation.

You accept that your personal data may be used by DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., in order to draw up an individual customer profile, by means of statistical procedures. As a result of this statistical study, we can carry out profile analysis and send you more personalised marketing communications, according to your preferences. The following data may be included in the profiles drawn up on the customer, which are detailed below, those provided personally or those that may have been generated during the use of the products and services of DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. and of the different companies belonging to the Business Group: contact data (such as name, address, ID number, email address, registration number, mobile phone number); additional information (such as preferred dealer, most used dealer or hobbies); user identification data (such as customer number or contract number); customer history (such as receipt of offers, vehicle purchase data or dealer data); vehicle data (mileage, cruising range); data from apps, prize draws, competitions, websites, landing pages or social networks. Data retention criteria: data will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the purpose of the processing and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction of the data. Communication of data: data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. In this case, please note that DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., belongs to a Business Group and there is a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data within the same for internal administrative purposes, including the processing of personal data of customers. Therefore, any dealer who has been identified as a preferred dealer or has been involved in the purchase process may have your details and communicate with you. You will be able to access information about the group on its various websites. And, if you do not want any of the companies within the Business Group to have access to your data, you can let us know.


All consents are addressed to this entity, DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. We remind you that, in all commercial communications carried out by DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., we always give you the option of unsubscribing. We remind you that your consent is revocable.


Commercial and Loyalty Communications.

We have divided the Consent for Commercial Communications into three categories, Sales, After-sales and Events, competitions and promotions. In order to allow you to personalise your interest by activity when receiving these commercial communications. By checking this option, you consent to all the personal data we have about you (contact details, ID number, date of birth, email address, type of driving licence, number plate, hobbies and interests) becoming part of an entity of the Business Group, called DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., CIF B76078104, in order to centralise all commercial and loyalty communications through any multichannel media (telephone, email, post, SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, etc...). All commercial communications sent to you will be related to the automotive world. Data retention criteria: data will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the purpose of the processing and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction of the data. Communication of data: data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. In this case, please note that DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., belongs to a Business Group and there is a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data within the same for internal administrative purposes, including the processing of personal data of customers. Therefore, any dealer who has been identified as a preferred dealer or has been involved in the purchase process may have your details and communicate with you. You will be able to access information about the group on its various websites. If you do not want any of the companies within the group to have access to your data, you can let us know.


All consents are addressed to this entity, DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. If you do not accept it, we will not be able to continue sending you commercial communications or customised offers, as well as promotions, raffles or direct gifts that are carried out. We remind you that, in all commercial communications sent by DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., we always give you the option of unsubscribing. We remind you that your consent is revocable.


Communication of data: data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. In this case, please note that DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., belongs to a Business Group and there is a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data within the Business Group for internal administrative purposes, including the processing of customers' personal data. Therefore, any dealer who has been identified as a preferred dealer or has been involved in the purchase process may have your details and communicate with you. You will be able to access information about the group on its various websites. And, if you wish that any company within the Business Group does not have access to the data, you can let us know.


Quality control, R&D&I of new products and services.

DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., may use any data that, during the provision of services, it receives from our Business Group in order to develop future products and services, and to control the quality of existing ones. Before using such data for any of these purposes, your information will be immediately anonymised so that it cannot be directly linked to you. This processing is based on the legitimate interest of DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L., in order to attend to the present and future needs of our customers in a personalised and adjusted manner, as well as the investment in research, development and innovation that is customary at DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP.


4.- Legal bases contained in the Directive and reproduced in the LOPD:

Consent. You have expressly given your consent, you may revoke this consent at any time.

Contractual relationship. For the management and maintenance of a subscribed contract.

Vital interests of the data subject or of other persons.

Legal obligation for the data controller.

Public interest or exercise of public powers.


5.- Rights of the clients/users. Data of the entity.

Information to data subjects, both with regard to the conditions of the processing operations that affect them and in the responses to the exercise of their rights, must be provided in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible manner, in clear and simple language.

The GDPR incorporates the right to be forgotten, as a right linked to the right to erasure, the right to restriction of processing and the right to portability:

Data subjects have the right to obtain the erasure of data ("right to be forgotten") where:

The data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.

The consent on which the processing was based is withdrawn.

The data subject objects to the processing.

The data have been processed unlawfully.

The data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation.

The data have been obtained in connection with the provision of information society services to minors.

The data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time. Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of their data and to limit or oppose its processing.

The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (agpd.es) if he/she considers that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.

What is the procedure for exercising the rights set out in the new Regulation?

The GDPR requires data controllers to make it easier for data subjects to exercise their rights. This mandate implies that the procedures and forms for doing so must be visible, accessible and simple. The GDPR does not set out a specific way for exercising rights, but it does require controllers to make it possible to submit requests by electronic means, especially when processing is carried out by electronic means.


This obligation requires the establishment of procedures that make it easy for data subjects to prove that they have exercised their rights by electronic means, something that is currently not feasible in many cases.

The exercise of the rights will be free of charge for the data subject, except:

In cases where manifestly unfounded or excessive requests are made, especially because they are repetitive, the controller may charge a fee to compensate for the administrative costs of complying with the request or refusing to act (the fee may not imply additional income for the controller, but must effectively correspond to the actual cost of processing the request).

The controller must inform the data subject of the action taken on his request within one month (this may be extended by two months in the case of particularly complex requests and must give notice of this extension within the first month). If the controller decides not to comply with a request, it must inform the data subject, stating the reasons for its refusal, within one month of the request being made.

In accordance with the GDPR, controllers must take all reasonable steps to verify the identity of those requesting access and, in general, of those exercising the other ARCO rights.

A data controller who processes a large amount of information about a data subject may ask the data subject to specify the information to which his or her access request relates.


6.- Details of the Entity for exercising their rights or about Personal Data Protection.

Details of the Data Protection Delegate.

For any doubt, question, clarification or similar, you may contact our Data Protection Delegate at the following e-mail address

Data Protection Delegate at the following e-mail address: dpd@domingoalonsogroup.com


7.- Domingo Alonso Group.

The following is a list of the companies that make up the DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP:


DOMINGO ALONSO GROUP, S.L. B76078104.Avda. Pintor Felo Monzon, 34. C.P. 35019.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las Palmas.
